Thank you for this insightful and informative article.

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Thank you Michael! And you are one of the beneficiaries of the hard won education I have to share with you and anyone who wants a different way, a more natural way to raise their pups.

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My 9 1/2 yr old Lab is intact, the first of my dogs in my 64 years that I chose not to because my 14 yr old spayed female lab before her died (horribly) of lymphoma . Unfortunately this now has mammary tumors, she started getting them 2 years ago.

For the record I avoid conventional vets, feed raw, treat with homeopathy, herbs and any other natural substance the same as I do for myself. This new territory for me and I’m not having any luck ( that’s obvious) treating her tumors. Obviously if holistic Vets are educating people on the pitfalls of full spays in favor of ovary SS than keeping hormones is their goal, and from what I’m reading I completely agree. But my girls tumors are troubling and don’t want to put her through surgery ( for any reason) but especially at her age with tumors.

I’ve written the Parmesus foundation to ask if they can offer some direction?

Thank you

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No ovary sparing in Australia. Loks like I have to monitor my nearly 10 years old papillion for pyometra. Thankyou for your advice.

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