Hi, I’m so glad you are here!
Welcome, welcome, welcome!
There might be many reasons why you came to my site but if you are:
frustrated with conventional vet medicine
questioning things your vet is recommending
needing a holistic ‘second’ opinion
needing some back up support for what your heart has been telling you
needing support from a trained vet while you make major changes for raising your animal family,
You’ve come to the right place!
I’ve helped thousands of folks, over many years (42!) make changes big and small for their animals that are more in alignment with their own health care philosophies.
At The Heretical Vet you’ll have access to much of what I have learned in those 42 years in practice, almost all of which has been in real Holistic Medicine. None of the faux-listic stuff here. None of the beating-around-the-bush, sugar-coating or trying to convince you of anything. Just honest, raw and often heretical perspective from a natural medicine view instead of from commercial medicine.
My intention is to download those 42 years of education from my alternative medicine degrees; vet school and from my mentors and most of all from you through the years of treating your animals. And if not your animals, then from animals much like yours with issues like yours.
Why subscribe to The Heretical Vet
Subscribe for free and receive:
weekly newsletters to help you learn how to get and keep your animals super healthy using natural techniques
ability to comment on topics of interest
super cute stories and photos of animals (could be yours)
partake in polls that give information about your experiences with your animals
become part of a growing community of SubStackers who love their animals and want to learn about holistic care
the knowledge to confidently play an active roll in the well-being of your pets
Upgrade to paid and receive all the above, plus:
all archived articles (growing by the week!).
weekly posts about controversial topics to help you think critically about commonly accepted practices.
once a month live access:
a live Q&A webinar on a specific topic or
once a month live access in writing from questions you submitted.
comment on the topic of your choice with our growing community of wonderful pet parents
all my DIY eBooks including a quick and easy home made recipe; how to dose homeopathic remedies to your little ones; my favorite foods; etc…
For $7 per month or $50 per year (that’s $4.17/month - so cheap you can gift it freely to friends and family and support my work!) you have access to all the Free subscribers do plus:
I’ll share, you learn, your animals thrive
I feel it’s so important to give pet parents some guidance from a perspective that isn’t mainstream, but can save much money, headaches, heartaches and a whole ‘lot of suffering.
With 50% of dogs now diagnosed with cancer and about 30% of cats I find this unacceptable! You do not have to experience this tragedy. I can help you avoid those trappings and teach you how to stay clear of the pot holes you can fall into without realizing it. But it will take effort on your part. It will take commitment and if you enjoy opening your mind and heart - you’ll love this site!
You can gain agency:
learn about homeopathy and how to use it for your animals
learn about vaccinations, alternatives and titers
learn what medications are critical and what can be handled with natural medicines and homeopathy
learn about full body detox for drugs, vaccinations and other meds
grow confident about branching out into the world of Holistic Animal Care for your animals
learn about natural preventative care
save yourself and your animals unnecessary vet visits
You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.
And mostly, I hope these offerings will help educate you about Holistic Medicine, and provide food for thought about topics you might not have considered before.
I’m delighted to have you in the pack, the rout, the pod, the flock or the pride, whatever your animal identification!
A little more background
I have a big science background - Bachelors in Science in Biology in 1977, Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University in 1981 and certifications in Veterinary Homeopathy, Acupuncture and lots and lots of training in environmental and nutritional medicine, and homeopathy, which continues to this day - cuz I love to learn!
I left conventional vet practice when the Universe gave me a swift kick in the buttocks as a young budding vet. I found holistic medicine (Homeopathy) and found my piece of the earth to stand on firmly.
After 42 years in veterinary practice I’m still very passionate about helping pet parents support their animals to live long healthy lives by reconnecting with the principles of Natural Healing. I’m happy to help you too!
Thank you for substack. I need help with my 3yr old cat (hospitalized for the next 6days bc i have to travel). Just texted: Severe off the charts birth defect kidney crisis. Presuming he survives, what would a consult for holistic care cost. Toxic bathing 1st when he is home