...the dreaded time when our pups with ‘allergies’ start discharging, sneezing, scratching and even having gut issues. Of course, you, the pet parent, are anxious about these symptoms that can continue for months and months!
You ask: why are there so many allergies at this time of the year?
‘Allergies’ is a catchall word for a weakness in the mechanisms of detoxification, and the over production of immune products, like histamines.
Allergies are what I call the ‘cup runneth over syndrome’ — too many toxicants in the body, added to elevated pollen counts this time of the year equals many allergy symptoms.
And why are they so hard to fix?
Because allergies involve complex immune reactions, include a complex of organ systems, and cause a complex array of symptoms we have to approach the support for allergies from several directions.
Trying to fix the symptoms with one product will leave you frustrated only to reach for anything at all that can suppress symptoms of your suffering animal!
But, it's not just that we are spending more time outside increasing exposures to all things allergy-producing.
Remember that your home-sweet-home can be a huge source of toxicant exposure including dust, mold, chemicals and smoke.
Where do we start to get relief?
Quick fixes are just that - quick. However, they rarely provide long-term or deep acting resolution, nor do they address the underlying etiology. Drugs, homeopathy and supplements can be quick support for immediate symptom relief, and I whole heartedly think they are necessary in most cases, but without foundational changes those quick fixes will provide limited relief.
Here are 8 things you can change now and see long term help for allergies
Clean up the diet. I’m sure you get sick of hearing about this but truly a clean fresh food diet will MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD!
Detox support for the liver and kidneys. This is where we start to get at the heart of allergies. A gentle Detox Protocol started early in the Spring will help the liver run smoother and detox the sludge from the Winter months. This allows for better processing of the Spring pollen overload.
Clean up your house. Living with animals can be messy, but it’s your job to keep things tidy and as clean as possible. Vacuuming frequently with a HEPA filtered vacuum can help keep dust, pollens and mold spores at a minimum. Wash bedding and floors frequently. And remove toxic cleaning chemicals for everyone’s safety.
Use an air purifier. If your animal has serious respiratory allergies, an HEPA air filter is a must. Also keeping your furnace filters clean is critical. If someone in your home smokes - do not do it around your animals. Full stop! Second hand smoke is not only a huge cause for allergy symptoms but also a powerful exposure to carcinogens.
Use herbal support from nettles, astragalus and licorice.
Use quercetin and bioflavonoids as anti-inflammatories.
Use homeopathic remedies
such as Allium cepa, Arsenicum album, Euphrasia, Natrum muriaticum, Histaminum, and Nux vomica.
Stop vaccinations, flea/tick/heart worm pesticides, and any medication that makes the symptoms worse, even if you are scared about those pests. There are safer natural methods available.
We don’t live in perfect, aseptic worlds. We live in a world of many exposures that can stimulate the allergic or sensitive reactions, causing what we call ‘allergies.’
But, almost every animal can be helped to some degree with some combination of the above supportive actions.