Overwhelmed, overloaded, cranky and constipated?
Is this you? If so, you're in good company, most of us are too!
We've all been there - you drank or ate too much, you’re overworked and sleep deprived. Now your bowels are clogged, and you’re so cranky people avoid you at work. You’re a hot mess!
Or could it be that your dog ate something questionable on your walk or got into the compost pile. Then she or he woke you up with horrible diarrhea; and you need to decide if you rush to the emergency vet, or just fret for the rest of the night.
Having homeopathic remedies in the house, and a basic knowledge of how to use them, is invaluable. You can read more about homeopathy on my other blogs:
Calming solutions for fearful and anxious pets - and their peeps!
My patient Trixie’s story
It couldn't have been a more beautiful weekend to head out to a nearby lake. But first Donna needed to run to the market to pick up a few items for the trip, leaving Trixie at home by herself. Home alone for a dog can be worse than the movie named Home Alone; or it can be a piece of cake. Although Donna was usually mindful of Trixie's love for anything even remotely edible, including the sugary birthday cake from last weekend, Trixie got into an open cabinet, found the trash, and partook of some rather ripe ‘snacks’.
When Donna came back she found the classic formula for severe upset stomach:
dog licking lips + trash scattered on the floor + dog looking sheepish.
Now the question for Donna was: should she take Trixie to the vet instead of to the lake? She knows her little four-legged daughter can get diarrhea from indiscretions in diet. So what’s a mother to do?
Trixie’s scenario isn’t any different from us humans when we overdo a meal, work too much, are the victim of travel stress, drive in crazy traffic, have reactions to medications — or any other kind of overwhelming stress. Overdoing it causes our entire system to go out of kilter, which is often reflected in gut and liver imbalances. Diarrhea and vomiting are the body’s first responses to such an imbalance. The body needs to get rid of the poison. If it can’t poop or pee it out, it will puke it out. If it can’t do that, it will discharge from the eyes, ears, nose, or skin. The body is very efficient at discharging.
Homeopathy to the rescue!
There’s no better, faster, easier solution for a blatant debauch than the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica.
Side story: last night I was watching Antiques Roadshow on PBS. A gentleman had brought in a tiny little kit of medicines, passed down in his family from the Civil War. I instantly knew what it was because I knew homeopathy was used widely in the US at that time and I’ve seen many antique homeopathic kits. The kit included a booklet with descriptions of how to use the medicines. The moderator immediately pointed to the vial of little white pills labeled Nux vomica, which then confirmed for me it was an old travel homeopathic kit. The antique expert explained to the owner, who knew nothing about remedies, that it was used for drinking and eating too much — most typically for hangovers in the soldiers. They chuckled but we know our Nux vomica is used for so many more things during wars, but were amazed that these little pills in skinny vials could help hangovers! That was old news to me, and probably to you too, if you’ve seen the benefits of Nux vomica. It’s a quick, fun video - watch below.
Nux, as it’s affectionately called, is a brilliant homeopathic remedy for all sorts of excesses including over-eating, over-indulging in drink or food, over-drugging (pharmaceuticals, recreational, worming medications — any sort of drug), over-caffeinating (yes, too many Starbucks coffees), over-stressing, over-working, over, over, over...
Although our pets can’t typically be accused of being drinkers or smokers, they can easily imbibe if a careless human has left out alcohol or cannabis products. And yes, if this happens you should immediately take your dog to the vet or at least call them or the poison hot line. It truly is better to be safe than sorry!!!
I have to say, I think Nux should be put in the water systems in the United States. Take out the lead and replace it with Nux vomica to help our overwhelmed, irritable society.
Kidding, sort of. But seriously, who isn't over-stressed these days?
What might homeopathic Nux vomica help?
Overwhelm or overload of any sort sets up a pattern of illness that can include:
over eating, drinking, working, stressing, etc.
'self medicating' with stimulants alternating with sedatives
dyspepsia, gas, burping, poor digestion
nausea and vomiting (especially in the morning)
ravenous appetite
oversensitivity to light, sound, smells
back pain
constipation (chronic — from sedentary life)
acute diarrhea — especially from over eating, anger or stressful episode
sleeplessness after drinking
headaches from over-doing
sedentary lifestyle predisposition.
Any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? The Nux vomica pattern of illness in us mere mortals can result from an out-of-balance life style that creates havoc in every part of the body. And worse yet, it can also manifest in out of-control behaviors such as road rage, screaming at strangers, starting fights without provocation, and other varying scenarios along the continuum. There’re lots of reasons why these outbursts can occur; but now you can see why I’ve joked about putting Nux vomica in the US water systems!
And luckily for our little garbage eating pooch, Donna was ready with her homeopathic emergency kit. She gave Trixie Nux vomica at the first sign of an upset tummy; and then headed to the lake the next day for a weekend of fun!
If it sounds simple, easy, and cheap — it is! Anyone can learn the basics of using homeopathic remedies. Frankly, I think all of us should. Helping the body heal itself using homeopathic remedies is not just for Civil War soldiers or rambunctious, ravenous dogs. It’s for anyone wanting more control over their health using natural medicines. Is that you?
And if you need a little Nux vomica for you or your animal don’t be afraid - start with a 12C or 30C potency and take/give one pellet twice a day for 24 hours. See how you feel - you might find your world more colorful and calm!
Thank you so much for reading this post, and for all your support! My intention with these Substacks is first to share my knowledge of natural medicines from 42 years in vet medicine; and then to support you, the humans in charge of the world, too! Thank you!
If you're ready to discover this great natural medicine, and watch in awe as your pets respond with their own innate healing, check out my HOMEOPATHIC KITS and basic mini course in my shop:Â HOMEOPATHY FOR PET EMERGENCIES.Â
Thank you for the encouragement to use this amazining healing modality. Really helpful to know , just in case.
So good to read of the many uses for nux vomica. My husband takes it when he has an upset stomach but he is often irritable and cranky. Maybe this is a constitutional remedy for him!